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HLWD Skateboard Deck Hellwood x Lucas and Sons 7-Ply Bamboo 8.1″



HELLWOOD x LUCAS AND SONS 7-Ply Bamboo Skateboard Deck. Bandung based board company Lucas and Sons, is teaming up with also Bandung based skate culture inspired Indonesian local brand HLWD to create their first collaboration of skateboard deck collections combining their over a decade experience. Hellwood’s Eponymous signature graphic art featured on Lucas and Sons home made sidewalk surfboards that utilise bamboo durability while upholding local wisdom.

HELLWOOD x LUCAS AND SONS 7-Ply Bamboo Skateboard Deck. Lucas and Sons, board company berbasis di Bandung, bersama HLWD, local brand Indonesia yang terinspirasi dari kultur skateboarding merilis koleksi skateboard decks hasil kolaborasi pertama mereka menyatukan pengalaman mereka yang sudah lebih dari satu dekade. Grafis Eponymous khas Hellwood diaplikasikan ke home made “sidewalk surfboards” Lucas and Sons yang memanfaatkan ketahanan struktur bambu sekaligus membawa kearifan lokal.

Deck Width / Lebar Deck : 8.1″

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